Thursday, June 18, 2009

Dear College Kid

Here's a little rant I left on a friend's Facebook Wall after she said my 3-month suspension from Facebook "inspired" her to get off it as well:

i personally think Facebook is the best social networking tool of all-time. it's much more personal than MySpace, and easier to find friends. it has a Wall that makes it quicker to leave comments. all the Apps. make it versatile. the interface is much more user friendly and not annoyingly complicated like customizing your MySpace page. and it has the Chat function. honestly, if they made their Chat operation more reliable, there would be no need for MySpace or AIM (or anything else for that matter). The internet would be ran by Google and Facebook.

but all that means is that Facebook IS the mortal enemy of that little thing we call Time. lol. i mean, keeping in contact with friends is great. but you can't possibly be BFF's with everybody. so keep the close friends on speed dial, the decent friends on AIM, and everyone else on a blue moon.

now BACK to homework and partying!

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